Sunday, September 3, 2017

100 Ways to Become a Better Version of Yourself

100 ways to become a better version of yourself

"Make the most of yourselffor that is all there is of you." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
There are so many ways to improve your personality…. We’re our own worst enemies when it comes to achieving success, chasing our dreams, and living a life with passion and purpose. Everyone deserves to live out his or her dreams and have a positive impact on the world
1.       Start from the beginning. Do not make shortcuts. There is no miraculous shortcut to the better version of yourself
2.       Be humble. Humility is the birthplace of all success.
3.       Embrace changes as well as failures. Be Open to Change. Change is the only way to grow and progress into the person you want to become.
4.       Acceptance. Accept that your goals and values may change over time.
5.       Be willing to change.
6.       Do not be afraid of failures and rejections. Boldly pursue your dreams.
7.       Believe in yourself. Own it. Own who you are. When becoming our best, we first have to believe that becoming better is in our full control.
8.       Dream and set goal. Have target in a timely manner.
9.       Go outside of your comfort zone. Stretch yourself. Go a step or two farther than you think you can. Push yourself a bit into the discomfort zone. Do this regularly, and you'll be amazed at your capacity for greatness. Breath into the stretch and enjoy it.
10.   Practice positive thinking.
11.   Determine your values. These will be the core beliefs that shape who you are as a person, and how you live your life.
12.   Exercise in the morning. It will help you to have a good day. It makes a person more focused and relaxed throughout the day. Give your body the proper fuel to feel your best so you can enjoy every moment to the fullest.
13.   Enjoy every moment
14.   Put pictures of your dreams or the things you want to achieve in the place you will always be reminded like in your bedrooms or even in your comfort room/toilet.
15.   Don’t hold back
16.   Be Coachable. Find a mentor and be open to learn.
17.   Do not afraid success
18.   Have a good heart. Nice people finish first in life and achieve more than those who are selfish and bitter with the world. Practice self-compassion.
19.   Be responsible
20.   Stop Being an angry person. Many people let anger and rage alter their decision-making skills.
21.   Be beautiful and clean. Do not end your day without taking a bath.
22.   Forgive yourself. Whatever it is, put it in a red balloon and release it. There’s peace and freedom in forgiving.
23.   Examine your routines. Monotonous routines can keep us stuck in reactive or avoidant patterns of behavior. Finding ways to break out of your habits can also bring you into contact with diverse people who can change your perspective on life.
24.   Forgive others. Take time to meditate, and give thanks for the wisdom and knowledge gained from your suffering. Practice the mantra, 'I forgive you and I release you.'"
25.   Give your 100% commitment
26.   Be true to others. Be Honest and Direct. Learn to articulate your thoughts, feelings, and ideas in an open and honest manner.
27.   Be true to yourself
28.   Examine your behavior thoroughly and honestly. Think of how you react to stress, how you cope with loss, how you manage your anger and how you treat people. You have to understand how you are now before you can understand how to grow.
29.   Count your blessings. Spend a few minutes in gratitude every day. Remind yourself of even the smallest blessings in your life. Gratitude is more than a feeling; it’s an active practice. Cultivating an “attitude of gratitude” can make you a more positive, happier, healthier person.
30.   Focus. Savor it. Roll around in it. Love it. Even if it's pain. There is beauty even in pain. Don't struggle against or wish for something more.
31.   Do not put yourself into debt
32.   Never give up.  
33.   Heal. When you are wounded, where you are hurt, where you are frightened — seek healing. Restore yourself. Get well again. Do what must be done to heal. You can't be the best version of yourself when you are emotionally, mentally, or physically unwell.
34.   Find your passion. Look what is your heart desires. Do what you love. Doing things that are meaningful to you will help you feel happier and fulfilled. 
35.   Cultivate empathy. It’s about imagining what it is like to experience life as they do, to think what they think, to feel what they feel. Then, you will able to understand a person.
36.Read books
37.   Experiment with life.
38.   Enjoy life and experiences. Experiences stay in your memory and create residual happy feelings. Put your efforts and income more on experiences than on things. Give yourself a mental and physical recess, a time for play and creative introspection. 
39.   Create network. Get in touch with influential and powerful people.
40.    Be fit and healthy. Your body is beautiful and miraculous. Support your body as it serves you by staying fit and healthy.
41.   Limit stress and don’t create stress at all. Remove yourself from stresses and demands to clear your mind for new ideas, inspiration, and recharging.
42.   Accept you won’t please everyone. Stop people pleasing
43.   Live your life to please yourself and to heck with everyone else
44.   Be comfortable in every decision you make but make sure to be responsible the price you have pay with your decisions.
45.   Do not jealous nor selfish. It will eat you up. Work on controlling your intentions and jealousy. It will make someone having difficult time finding happiness.
46.   Learn to prioritize. Choose what is most important right now and gently release all else for another time or for good.
47.           Stop criticizing and judging others
48.   Eliminate all negative energy. Stop throwing buckets of negative energy out into the universe yourself
49.   Strengthen your faith. Pray
50.   Celebrate the small wins. Every step along the path, every stage of life, every small action should be savored and celebrated
51.   Stop procrastination.
52.   Mindfulness meditation can be a good place to start.
53.   Be consistent. Each action step along the way to your vision is a microcosm of the outcome.
54.   Be friendly at all times. Practice random acts of kindness every day. 
55.    Simplify your life, your thoughts, your relationships. Give yourself the space and energy to focus and love the moment.
56.   Stop the negative self-talks and thoughts with irrational ideas that are merely negative. Like “I cannot do that.” Or “I don’t deserve it.”
57.   Set motto in life.
58.   Take notice of how your behavior impacts others.
59.   Learn to shift. There are times that someone will experience tedious, boring, or even painful moments. Rather than resisting or struggling against these times, breathe into them. Shift your thinking so that you become aware of even the smallest value these moments add to your experience of life.
60.   Enhance attitude. Admit if you have mistaken and make sure to learn from it.
61.   Explore your talents.
62.   Show up and be exposed.
63.   Have a planner. When you have a vision for yourself, you need a plan for materializing this vision. You need action steps. Prioritize your vision and create a strategy for action. Break it down into small steps that are manageable. Make you actions precise and smart.
64.   Do not stop learning. Keep on learning new knowledge and skills. Stop pretending to know things you don’t know. Educate Yourself. Life is a constant exercise in self-improvement.
65.   Recognize the opportunity at hand
66.   Write on MediumTranslating your thoughts into written narratives pushes you to think about the ideas in your head at a much deeper level. It needs to be an active, reflective activity.
67.   There is no set model or map of life for human beings. We always have a choice. We have options and, in most instances, the freedom to craft ourselves based on individual interests, skills and motivations
69.    Accept help from other people. Don’t let your pride get in the way. Most successful people needed help along the way, too.
70.   Have time for yourself alone to think and reflect. Nothing makes a goal fail faster than not keeping yourself accountable. It’s all well and good to say you’ll wake up half an hour earlier every day, but if you’re not checking in on yourself, you’ll probably start hitting the snooze button again before you know it.
71.   Let Go of Anger.
72.   Break the norm. Start trying different things. Make a list of productivity tips you’ve read about or friends’ behaviors you’ve been wanting to try, and challenge yourself to do things differently.
73.   Trust yourself…you know more than you think you do
74.   Don't Show Up Empty-handed.
75.   Every human being is completely unique. We, as human beings, are unique individuals and we must remain mindful of that fact as we live our lives. Your life is yours; my life is mine; and so on for each individual.
76.   Stay open to all possibilities with eager expectation.
77.   Don't Make Excuses. Own your mistakes and learn from them
78.   Listen to Others. As Jeet Banerjee notes on Lifehack, "listening to people and giving everyone a voice is one of the greatest things you can do.
79.   Make a difference.
80.   Help people. Helping others not only benefits them, it benefits you.
81.   Make our world a better place to live in. Plant trees. Follow rules. Be a good citizen and a role model to others.
82.   Be Respectful. Be respectful of others' time, thoughts, ideas, lifestyles, feelings, work, and everything else. Always Be Polite.
83.   Become a Better Communicator. Study English language as the standard international language used. Learn to speak clearly and concisely.
84.   Acknowledge people. Give others genuine praise.
85.   Surprise People and love ones. One of the most rewarding feelings in the world are knowing that you made someone smile. Surprise the special someone in your life by doing something out of the ordinary for them!
86.   Start a Business. It will give you a lot of learning opportunities. It will teach a person about marketing skills, problem solving and sense of responsibility.
87.   Find a role model. Role models are a great source of inspiration, and their stories can make us feel strong when times get tough. Having a role model gives us a concrete image of who we want to become. Practice good etiquette.
88.   Focus on people, not things.
89.   Be Curious.
90.   Pick Yourself. Whatever it is that you want to accomplish or achieve, stop waiting for somebody else to pick you. 
91.   Travel the World. When you travel you gain new experiences, you learn about different cultures, and you get to sample different lifestyles. Life is an adventure.
92.   Do not change your nature even if someone does harm you. Do not lose your essence. Only take precautions.
93.   Be artistic. Making art is a form of self-expression, and it can even be healing. 
94.   Be Accepting of differences — be it of people, mindsets, lifestyles, or cultures. For they add variety and color into our lives.
95.   Yoga can help. Try this thing.
96.   Be Assertive.
97.   Master a Game or a Sports. Mastering a game–such as chess or Go–teaches you strategy, it teaches you to compete, and it teaches you flexibility and adaptability while mastering a sports develops physical durability.
98.   Work on your negative traits.
99.   Respect and Honor parents. Be a better child to your parents. Make them happy.

100.                       And lastly, Aim for Excellence.

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