abd = abdomen
ABO = main blood group system
ac (ante cibum) = before meals
ADL = activities of daily living
as lib = as desired
adm = admitted or admission
am (ante meridiem) = morning
amb = ambulatory
amt = amount
approx = approximately
bid (bis in die) = twice a day
bm = bowel movement
bp = blood pressure
br = bed rest
brp = bathroom priviledges
apostrophe c = with
C = celcius
cbc = complete blood count
cbr = complete bed rest
ci = client
c/o = complains of
dat = diet as tolerated
d/c = discontinue
drsg = dressing
dx = diagnosis
ecg = electrocardiogram
F = farenheit
fld = fluid
GI = gastrointestinal
GP = general practitioner
gtt (guttae) = drops
hr = hour
h2o = water
hs (hora somni) = bedtime
I & O = intake and output
IV = intravenous
Lab = laboratory
liq = liquid
LMP = last menstrual period
L = left
meds = medications
ml = milliliter
mod = moderate
neg = negative
nil = none
no. = number
NPO = nothing per orem
ns = normal saline
02 = oxygen
od (omni die) = once a day
OD = right eye
OOB = out of bed
os = mouth
OS = left eye
pc (post cibum) = after meals
PE = physical examination
per = by or through
pm (per meridiem) = afternoon
po (per orem) = through mouth
postop = post-operative
preop = pre-operative
prep = preparation
prn = when necessary or as needed
pt = patient
q = every
qh = every hour
qhs = every night or at bedtime
qid = four times a day
req = requisition
R = right
apostrophe s = without
SI = seriously ill
spec = specimen
stat (statim) = at once or immediately
tid (ter in die) = three times a day
TL = team leader
TPR = temperature, pulse and respiratory rate
vo = verbal order
vs = vital signs
wnl = within normal limits
wt = weight
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