Wednesday, December 5, 2018

How to Deal With Depression

Nowadays, many people suffer from depression. Living with depression is one of the hardest journey a person may encounter. Male or female, known personalities or rich and poor may suffer from depression. It is an internal battle that is a tragic experience. It is considered a mental health crisis.

Depression is feeling of emptiness, feeling of loss... loss of motivation, drive and energy. It is a mentally breakdown. It most of the time associate with hopelessness and helplessness. All are just darkness and no light at all. And there's a voice saying that you are not good enough.

There's of feeling of suicidal.... thinking to end their miserable lives and escaping from this suffering. There's a thoughts that you like to step out of this awful journey and you feel that it is better off dead.

Believe it or not, we are the one who creates our own negative feelings. The reason why we get depressed is because the consistent thoughts we think and we beliefs we hold and it is because there is an external factor involves that didn't materialize in their lives. There is a thought that you are not good enough and not worthy at all. Everything is out of control or you can't control. You have a stable job but can't have a sense of happiness.

Having this mental health condition is not something to ignore. Here are some ways to overcome depression:

  • Accept and love yourself. With depression, remember that you are not alone and depression is real. It is hard yes definitely. Remember, in life there is up and down, winning and failures, and those trials, obstacles and problems will crash you but don't let yourself be defeated by this battle of life. DO NOT LET THEM. 
  • Establish a support system. Need to take a break. Staying connected with people and social activities specially those that you are interested and having fun with will help you to change your mood and thoughts. Share your thoughts to someone you know that care for you. 
  • Maximizing rational thinking and minimizing irrational thinking. Know why you feel depress and think the right thing. It is not easy to do it specially the person is down however; having self awareness will definitely help. 
  • Watch motivational videos and listen to success stories. Fill up your mind with positive thoughts. Be knowledgeable and aware of what depression is. In this way, it will help to identify the situation and can stop to go into a deeper stage of depression.
  • Speak up. A depressed person might think that he will not understood by many people and are not connecting to what you may say, but communicating with people helps a lot not only yourself but to other people to make mental health awareness. Let your pain and suffering release.
  • Consult and seek help to professional provider. Some psychotherapy and some medications might needed to help treat depression. 
  • Face your problems. Don't let them to bring you down. In every storms, there is a rainbow coming out after. Have positive mindset and faith that everything will go on its proper places. Let this trials mold you to become a better version of yourself. Let those challenges make you stronger and the pain leads you to your greatest growth and use it to build your character. 
  • If you can do exercise or do physical activities like travelling, mountain hiking, biking, swimming or any activities you love are great help. It will help your brain to function properly to think positively. Even a simple walk or going outside to buy things will do. Stay busy and do the things that work for you and avoid being alone for a long time.
Depression just like other diseases is curable. It will go away and crisis in life will teach you the lesson to move to the next chapter of your greatest life. Life is not perfect but if your mind is strong and at peace, your reaction will be how can I work this out instead of why it is happening to me and the people will look to you and giving them strength and hope by reacting positively. Ensure you are in positive position next time, whatever pain you are suffering from, and ensure that it won't show again. So you can inspire others, people will say "he did it and if you did, I can do it too!" You deserve to experience how great life can be.  Don't give up, YOU ARE WORTHY. 

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