Monday, March 30, 2015

The Essence of Nurses's Senses

            This concept aims to provide a conceptual framework and to present reflections on the meaning of human senses, as well as their relevance as a phenomenon present in nursing practice. Not like the human senses in general this conceptual framework describes the distinctive characteristics of these human senses possessed by the nurse. It is quite different because of the special functions of being a nurse. It stresses the indispensable quality of the senses that determines the uniqueness of a nurse and what a nurse define of.
            The importance of this conceptual framework is to understand and be aware of the quality we have and we ought to possess through the use of our human senses. To make it grow and fonder, just like a diamond from rough structure to its shiny, shimmering, sparkle image… are made under fire and pressure.
The senses are vital to the human being and essential for life and provide interaction with nature and living. Our senses have amazing functions and purpose, incredibly complex, highly productive that should be treated with the outmost care.

Essence - the intrinsic nature on indispensable quality of something, that determines its character.
-    The ultimate nature or quality that makes a thing what it is.
Nursing – it is a profession and a calling of nurturing which includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness and treatment process
             - is the protection, promotion and optimization of health and abilities, prevention and illness and injury, allegation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response and advocacy in the care of individuals, families and communities and population  - ANA, 2015`
Senses – the five natural powers (touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing) through which you receive information about the world around you. (Meriam Webster)
-          Consist of organs with specialized cellular structures that have receptions for specific stimuli linking to the nervous system and thus to the brain.
-          A person’s body function integrated into sensations in the nervous system and interpreted by the brain to receive information to understand and be aware of provide data for perception.

Conceptual Framework
      This conceptual framework shows the five human senses, as the basic yet the strongest tool that a nurse must use to perform on duties and responsibilities to nurture and give quality care as our major role in nursing.
      Our five human senses are sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. These are our connection to the outside world. They send message to our brain, which intercepts the messages and perceives what is around us creating a life experiences. This concept is used to bring together insights drawn from philosophy, physiology and science.
      This conceptual framework shows that the five human senses are related and connected with each other. We nurses, as human, have five senses that play a dominating role in our profession and practice. It is important for nurses to raise their perception and sensory data in clinical settings to utilize the full spectrum of their human senses. These are significant in our practice when properly used and developed.
      Their conceptual framework shows foundations into four segments that support the five human senses of the nurse to make it stronger and for the improvement to be effective as the clinical settings required to. The basic foundation is the knowledge from basic education to advance on obtaining a degree in nursing, attending trainings, acquiring certifications and making research. Then the next foundation to step up is to apply your knowledge into practice. We become better nurse through practice and experience. Self-awareness in a deeper level identify own weaknesses and strength is the next step to do. Be aware of the belief system that we have. Enrich it with positive and good things. Heal yourself with the things that stopping you. Move forward. Making your personalities stronger and develop a good leadership skills. Lastly, is to form a good character that the nurse must have. A character with dignity, vision and philosophy…. To live a life of excellence, where commitment not circumstances, dictates the outcome. Taking full responsibility to what you have created in your life.

Importance of Nurse’s Senses in the Practice
Therapeutic use of self (Therapeutic Communication; NPI)
      Therapeutic use of self is the ability to use of one’s personality consciously and in full awareness in an attempt to establish relatedness and to structure nursing intervention. One way is through therapeutic communication and establishing nurse- patient interaction therapeutic communication is a face – to – face process of interaction to provide support and information to clients. Listening requires hearing and sight. To listen actively is to be attentive to what the client is saying, both verbally and non-verbally. Good eye contact is to established to see and understand the verbal and non-verbal messages. Making observations and giving recognition by telling the client ‘’ I notice that you’ve embed your hair!” is an example of therapeutic communication technique using sense of sight. Touch, when appropriately use, particularly important and can provide the therapeutic relationship to achieve trust and support of physical and emotional needs. Therapeutic communication is used in nurse – patient interaction. It has a major influence in the patient care experience and should be vigilantly considered
Nursing Process (Nursing Care Plan from assessment to evaluation)
            Nursing process is the essential core of practice to deliver holistic patient-focused care. Assessment is a systematic and dynamic way to collect and analyze data about a client observation is the one of best method for assessment associated with human senses to collect information and clinical findings. The success of nursing care, from assessment to evaluation, depends a great deal on and accurate observation for data collection, nursing care plan is not possible. Nurse must have a clinical eye. It is the ability to see through and read deeper meaning in thoughts, feelings and actions beyond what meets the eye. Using the clinical eye, you will able to see and observe the clients condition, emotion through facial expressions, non – verbal messages, pain, and behaviors. In getting the vital signs, you mainly need the sense of touch for pulse rate; sense of hearing for respiratory rate and heart rate; or combination of the human senses of smell. Maintaining a good environment by putting fresh flowers of free from bad odor is a way to support health and relaxation, to ease the pain and suffering or to promote safe and comfortable environment in a small creative way. These are some example of importance of the human senses used in our practice and how it appears our clients and way to providing care.
            All human senses are important to properly use for obtaining accurate data for proper diagnosis so that we can formulate a right and directed good leading to proper implementation and evaluation. We aim to make as effective nursing care plan which is patient-centered, helping to ensure that our patients’ health problems and responses are the focus of care and properly addressed
Therapeutic Activities    
                        Therapeutic activities such as health education, circle meeting, remotivation, occupational or vocational activities, counseling, self-care, exercise and more, help the client to reestablish constructive self-attitudes and restore self-confidence and a sense of security. Monitoring client’s behavior and attitude is very important to assess the effectiveness of these therapeutic activities given. Empathy is putting yourself in their situation makes you further understand thus leading you to give more concerns and importance to each of every client we handled. Touch is very important. Good eye contact makes our client feels that we are sincere.

4 Ways to Improve Nurse’s Senses
1.      Enhancing Knowledge
Registered nurses who seek additional education and obtain a masters or doctoral degree can become advanced practice nurses in the specialty. It is essential for proper development of professional competencies and skills to provide exceptional nursing care. Thus, it is a grave importance that nurses are well-equipped with knowledge in order to avoid incorrect practice which can lead to behaviors or decisions that can potentially endanger a patient’s health. Remember, that we handle lives, not just paper that when we write something wrong we can easily edit or erase it with an eraser.
2.      Putting into Practice
Experience is the best teacher. Value experience and find them as fulfilling to the role “as a nurse”, the most trusted person in patient’s life, when struggle between life and death, pain and suffering or in sickness or in health.

3.      Development of Personality and Leadership Skills
Self-awareness in a deeper level identify own weaknesses and strength is the next step to do. Be aware of the belief system that we have. Enrich it with positive and good things. Heal yourself with the things that stopping you. Move forward. Making your personalities stronger and develop a good leadership skills.
4.      Forming A Character
Lastly, is to form a good character that the nurse must have. A character with dignity, vision and philosophy…. To live a life of excellence, where commitment not circumstances, dictates the outcome. Taking full responsibility to what you have created in your life.


The author conclude that a comprehensive use of senses will contribute to human care, especially in assessment, nursing diagnosis, providing quality care, establishing therapeutic activities, and implementation of our nursing functions. In our generation today, technology has been increasingly complex, transforming the way of nursing care with the use of robots, equipments, monitoring devices and machines. But nothing will compare with the human. A human with senses and feelings and emotion…. A human with a Brain and a Heart. Before extensive application of technology, nurses relied on their senses to monitor patient’s status and provide care. Always remember, the best tool of nurses are their own senses.

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