Tuesday, September 15, 2009

sex stereotypes

One task undertaken by psychologist has been to determine possible personality and cognitive attributes that distinguish the two sexes and, in addition to discern the age levels at which sex differences appear. This empherical task has proved to be far more complex than it initially seemed.

1. First, one must assume that the samples of the sexes are comparable on such important to sample different ethnic an economic groups to establish that the findings are representative of boys and girls in general, rather than restricted to some particular segment of society. As the culture undergoes economic and social change, there maybe corresponding alternations in personality traits. For example, differences in dependency between the sexes seem to have been greater in previous decades, indicating that sex differences reported at one time may not hold for another.
2. Second and even more challenging task for psychologists in determining how differences between the sexes have come about, or how sex typing occurs. The role of biological versus social factors in determining behavioural how differences between the sexes in an especially critical social issue. The phrase “anatomy is destiny” crystallizes the view that the women’s personality and role in society are fundamentally caused by their biological structure. Right or wrong, this explanation has often been used to justify women’s subordination and sex discrimination. It is evident from the extensive amount of research that has been conducted on se differences that there is a great deal of overlap between the sexes with regards to virtually any behaviour.

1. Girls excel in verbal ability
2. Boys excel in visual-spatial ability
3. Boys are superior in mathematical ability
4. males are more aggressive than females

1. Females are more people-oriented than males are
2. Girls display greater empathy and responsiveness to the feelings of other children, are more concerned about opinions of others, and are more compliant with adults.
3. Girls are more dependent, fearful, and lacking in confidence than boy are.
4. Boys tend to show more curiosity and exploration and more active impulsive than girls.

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